Nish Tales Nish Tales Nish Tales
Nanabush Giijitood M'Chigeeng Giishkaapkoon
Nanabush Creates the M'Chigeeng Bluffs

   Nanabush gii mshi gendan pagdisaad. Ngoding Nanabush gii waabmaan gchi gnebig nbaanid jii gi tibi.
Nanabush never missed an opportunity to play a trick. One day he saw Ginebig, the great water snake sleeping on the shore.

   Zaam go bizaante, nendam Nanabush. Nokomis kida "Booniikoo wawa chi gnebig. Paamsedaa megwe mtigwaaki."
Much too peaceful, thought Nanabush. Nokimis said, "Leave Ginebeg alone! Let's go walk in the woods."

   Nanabush gegoo gii bi mkwendaan. Gnebgoog zhiigendaanaawaa iishpin nbing yaas gwaa.
Of course this gave Nanabush an idea. Water snakes hate to be out of the water.

   Nanabush gii mnidoo kaaza. Waasa gii zhi maajiinaan mtigwaakiing gnebgoon, mtigong gii goonaan.
So using magic he hung Ginebeg high in the trees, deep in the woods, far from shore.

   Mtigoonhs gii nakaazan pajbowaad gnebgoon. Gnebig gii shkozi, gshkowaadendam, zegzi gchi shpiming gojing miinwaa piichi waasa eyaad nbing. Nanabush gchi baapi, gbeying go mbiigwewe yaapi.
Then he poked Ginebeg with a stick. Ginebeg awoke suddenly, shocked to be high in the trees and far from his watery home. Nanabush laughed, long and loud.

   Gaawii go gnebig wonendzii. Gnebig gii mookiitwaan Nanabushoon.
Ginebeg did not laugh. Angrily he lunged at Nanabush.

   Nanabush gi mbagwaashgni, gii ni mbi naan Nookmisan, gii ni bmoomaan, mii dash gii gjiboowed. Gaawin nga minaashkaagsi gii nendam. Nishaa gii nendam.
Nanabush jumped to avoid the attack, lifted Nokimos onto his back and ran off, believing Ginebeg would not chase them. But he did.

   Gaa dash gnagenh ginebig gii boontaasi bmi naashkowaad Nenobosh. Baama go aashtowaad gaazhi weshsahigwad.
And Ginebeg would not stop until Nanabush paid for his trickery.

   Nenobosh bi bmomaan Nokmisan, maanj gonaa mnig giizhgadoon gaa mi yaagwenh. Gchi gmiing gi bmi zhiibaashkaa.
With Nokomis on his back he ran day and night around all the great waters.

   Gii ni yekzi Nanabush bmoonaad Nokomisan. Gii ni nwebi Mnidoo Mnising. Gii kendaan wii damnewgwad gneboon miidash ji niizaanak.
Finally, Nanabush grew tired carrying Nokomis. He rested on Manitoulin Island. He realized Ginebeg woud soon catch up and that would be trouble.

   Nanabush gii nendam wii nganaad Nokmisan, gii maanaadendaam. Nanabush win nendaagzi ji naagdowenmaad Nokomisan.
He had to leave Nokomis , which saddened Nanabush.

   Gii kendaan giishpin nganaad Nokomisan, gnebig gdaansan. Aabdeg wii gkinaad Nokomisan.
It was his responsibility to care for Nokomis and if he left her, Ginebeg would kill her. He had to hide Nokomis.

   Nanabush gii pagnaan zaaghigning Nokomisan, mii dash mnishenhing gii zhi mzindinaad. Anishinaabeg "Mdinmowenhs Mnis" gii zhinkaadaanaawaa maanda Mnis.
So he threw her into a nearby lake and changed her into a beautiful island we call Mindemoya, which means "old lady".

   Wii mkwendmang gchi Nshinaabeg wii naagdo wenmangwaa, maanj go iidig ge ni piichi znagdagwenh bemnaashkaagying.
The island reminds us to look after our elderly, no matter what troubles are chasing us. With Nokomis safely hidden Nanabush started to run again.

   Gekpii Nanabush gii boonbatoo, eshkam bezha gnebig biyaanid. Nanabush aabdeg wii nsaad gnebgoon.
Finally Nanabush stopped running and Ginebeg drew closer. Nanabush knew he would have to slay the great snake.

   Gii debbidood mitgwaabiiman miinwaa bikwak, gaawiin dash iidig gaa paamendzig wii giizhaad bikwakoon. Gaawiin wiiya michigiwag.
He reached for his bow and arrow, but Nanabush, being has he is, did not bother to finish his arrows. They had no arrowheads.

   Michigiw mshkimdaang gii biizwan. Gii ndabjige ndo waabmaad michigiw. Ginebeg gii bi gchi zaagaakbizo, miigo wii dkomaad Nanabush.
He reached into his pocket and found an arrowhead. He fumbled with the head trying desperately to ready his arrow. Ginebeg crashed through the trees and was ready to strike.

   Daadgikwenid Nanabush, gii gwekwendang gaawii wii miigaasi. Gii gbijwebnaad ndo michigiw, gii nimbatoo megwe mtiwaakiing, mookiitaagwad ne gnebgoon.
Looking up, Nanabush quickly decided this was not the time to fight. He dropped his arrow head and disappeared into the bush, as Ginebeg attacked.

   Gchi gnebig ggetin gii wepigenan Nanabusho ndo michigiw zhiwe mtakmig. Mii gaa bizhi zhihoomgag gchi giishkaabig.
He struck Nanabush's arrowhead laying on the ground, with such force it formed huge bluffs in the shape of an arrowhead.

   Nonda giishkaapkoon michigiw gii zhijiiyaanoon. Nonda giishkaapkoon baashgzaamji goodenoon endaadaahaang M'Chigeeng.
These bluffs overlook our homes in M'Chigeeng

   MChigiwadnong Anishinaabeg di zhinkaadaanaawaa wii ni makwendmang Nanabush gaa zhizhiwebzid.
and are called Mchigiwadmong to remind us of Nanabush's adventure.

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