Nish Tales Nish Tales Nish Tales
Nenabozhoo Gaabi zhi Ndaadsid
The Birth of Nanabush

   Bi boong gii nendaagwod dbishko gonaa pane bi zhiwebag.
It seemed a winters night like many others.

   Bga maasin e-pngishmog noodin bmi baabiimskwaanmod zhngobaatgong,agoon paakskaashi miinwaa waawye-aashi googmis a-wiigwaaming.
The spirit of the west wind whirled through the pines.

   Ggetin wiikjitoon wii biindged,wewii bendam wii waabdang aanii ezhwebag biindig.
The snow skittered and swirled around Nokomis’ wigwam, trying so very hard to get in, anxious to see what was happening inside.

   Zaam biindig gegoo wii zhiwebad gegoo wenjishing miinwaa dash gego si-daawendaagwod waani zhiwebag.Winoonaa manj go pii wii nii jaansi.
Because inside something wonderful and yet very sad was about to happen. Winoonaa was about to give birth.

   Miidash gaawii kina gegoo gii mnobdesnoo.Jibwaa ndaadsinid go Winoonaa nii jaansenhsan gii aagne taadwan,wenesh ntam ge ndaadsipa. Mii go gaa ni zhi aabjiseg.
But all was not well. Inside Winoona her unborn children argued over who should be born first.

   Noodin ndaaw.Kagnig maanpii pane mbi mi yaa.Niin gonaa ndaa siikis. Gaawii gnabaj.Asin genii ndaaw,nda zoongis. Pane kagnig nga bmi yaa. Maanoo Niintam
I am wind. I’ve been here for forever. I should be oldest. No! I am stone. I will last forever. Me first! And on it went.

   Aapji maandaa gii niiskendmiwgwan Winoonaa. Gookmis daa na gaa giijhaan miinwaa doo zhiitaasdoon waazhi gchi twaa giizhgad kewaad. Miidash gii ni zhiwebag.
This bothered Winoonaa greatly. But Nokomis comforted her and prepared for the great event. And then it happened.

   Wiiba go naa mii gii bgamwiwdamwaad wiigwaaming,shki waamndamwaad bmaadsiwin miinwaa shki noondwaawaad gashwaan aapji ntam.
Soon the wigwam was alive with the sound of new voices, with eyes seeing the world and ears hearing a mother’s voice for the first time.

   Nniijaansag! Bekaa go naa gidaa naagdowendim , kida Winoona
My children, take care of one another.Sadly, these were the only words the children would hear from their mother. The constant bickering was too hard on Winoonaa. She passed into the spirit world.

   Binoojiinhyig gii naamndiwag maanda gaa zhiwebag dani nga daanaawa wiigwaam geyaabi go ni aazhdendwag miinwaa miigaadwag,wiika go wii bskaabiisgwaa.
The children blamed one another for this tragedy. It’s our fault! No it’s yours!, They screamed at one another and left the wigwam arguing and fighting, never to return.

   Gii ni ngaj gaazo gookmis nchike yaa nshi naadendam gii naajhaad wdaansan miinwaa ooshenhyin.
Nokomis was left alone and heartbroken over the loss of her daughter and grandchildren.

   Gookmis,dani maamno naamdaan bangii mskwiinhs mjisaak.
Then she noticed a tiny speck of blood on the floor.

   Gii debwewendam mii go eta wi gaani ngadmaagwod wdaansan. Aapji go gii ye ngwaamtoon gii moozhginang wi mskwiinhs.Wiigwaasenhsing dash gii toon.
She believed this was all that remained of her dear daughter. Nokomis gently places the blood on a piece of bark.

   Aapji go shkendam gookmis gi chi ki-nwaamndaan wi wiigwaasenhs. Bmaajiimgad go di naamndaan. Nishaa nendmiwdizo nendam. Mii go miinwaa, bmaajiimgad sa go.
Nokomis grieved and stared at the bark, it seemed to move. Was she imagining this? It moved again. She reached out and gently turned it over

   Gii zhiibiigtaa nengaaj gii gwekiignaan. Gesnaa, maamkaadendam binoojiinhs gii abi biinji wiigaasenhs. Goshme go geyaabi gii maamkaadendam noondwaad mbiigzinid.
To her amazement there was a baby under the bark. She was even more amazed to hear a voice.

   Gaa na kii kenmisii nookmis? Niin nenabozhoo!
Don’t you know me Grandmother? I am Nanabusho!

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