Nish Tales Nish Tales Nish Tales
Giimoodin Shkode
The Theft of Fire

   Ngoding go naa giizhigag gii kwe taani gsinaamgad Nanabush miinwaa gookmis gii nji nnang gaakjiwag endaahaad Nanabush aana gii nendam ji gii bizgepa.
One cold winter’s day Nanabush and Nokomis shivered in their wigwam. Nanabush wanted to warm things up.

   Gii znigninjiibnidwag ggetin miinwaa go bekish mbab gwaazhgniwag. Miinwaa gii ni maawndgo dizwag waaboowaaning.
They rubbed their hand together fiercely and jumped up and down and buried themselves in blankets.

   Geyaabi dash go gii biingejwag. Gegpii na, gookmis wgii dbaajmaan niwenh meji bmaadsinjin Waabnoo kiweziinhyin,gaa gno wendang wi shkode ezhni kaadeg.
But they were still cold. Finally, Nokomis told him of a wicked old man in the east, who kept a thing called fire.

   Niimoomgad, shkode mbii gwe yaasin miinwaa mii e-moonji gzhaabkideg. Ji de bi-degbaa go endaahaad miinwaa na ji ni bi jiizwaapa.
Fire danced, made loud crackling sound and best of all was hot. Hot enough to warm their home and shivering bodies.

   Nanabush dash gii nendam ji zhaamaad jiho kwejmaad wi shkode niwenh kiweziinhyin. Gbehiinh go giini dizikaa wii dgoshing endaanid.
Nanabush decided he would go ask the old man for fire. After many days journey he reached the old mans home.

   Mii go naa wiiba gii gkenmaad, gaa go naa gnagenh daa bkwenmaaksiin wi shkode wiin eta mkwendizo. Miidash Nanabush gii gchi nanaagdowendang aanii gezhi wezhsa aapa waadoodwaad.
He soon learned the old man cared only of himself and would not share. Nanabush decided that trickery was in order.

   Ogii gkendaan Nanabush ni shki bboong bbagzid mkwom, zaam go daa bbagzi jib mi yaapa bemaadsid de bbagzi dash wii go wessiinhs e-gaachiinhid jib mi yaapa.
It was early winter and Nanabush knew the ice was thin, too thin to bear a human but thick enough for a small animal.

   Mii sa Nanabush waaboozoonhsing gii zhi naaghidsod, gii ni dko maakbatood mkomiing Mii dash gii baabiihaad kiweziinh wdaansan
Nanabush turned himself into a little bunny rabbit, scurried across the thin ice and waited for the old man’s daughter.

   Aash aabdeg sa go,wgii mnwenmaan gii ni gii wiwnaan. Wewiib kiweziinh gii zaagji naashkowaad gii wiindmowaan gego miinwaa wiikaa zhanda biindga naake wa mnidoosh wiigwaaming.
Of course, she fell in love Nanabush and took him home. The old man quickly chased them out and told her never to bring that mnidoo back into the wigwam.

   Aapji dash go naa gewii waawni naagzi waaboos Nanabush, gaa go naa gnagenh daanis gii bzindzii mii go eta neyaab gii gii-mooji biindganaad.
But bunny Nanabush was just too cute, so naturally the daughter did not listen and snuck him back into the wigwam.

   Gii bskaneni shkodenhs wbiiwing, mii sa gii ni jaagjibzod shkwaandeming endaad nikeyaa,ni tkambizo gboding zaaghigan.Bi-mnaashkowaan kiweziinh mii gego gii ni mkobiised mkomiing.
With the spark glowing in his fur, Nanabush ran out the door toward home, crossing the frozen lake. The old man chased after him but fell through the ice.

   Nanabush gii ni dgoshin endaad gii wiindmowaan gookmisan ji moozhginmanid nagekwan,wiigwaas miinwaa dikwaanhsan.
Nanabush arrived home and told his grandmother to gather bark birchbark and twigs.

   Mii dash gii gashghang bangii shkode gaa gokenig wbiiwedming gii maachtaatood shkode.
She then scraped the spark off his fur and started a fire.

   Mii dash go wi pii gaa ko maachtaamgag Anishinaabeg gii yaamwaad shkode miinwaa gewii waaboozoonh waabshki biiwed gwe kaanhzod ni zaawaanhzod e-piichi niibing wii mkwendmiing gaa zhi webzig bane Nanabushoo.
Ever since the Anishinaabeg have had fire and the rabbit’s white fur changes to brown in the summer to remind us of Nanabush adventure.

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